8 ways to boost your mental wellbeing

Whilst the term ‘wellbeing’ and ‘mental health’ are widely discussed concepts now, this can lead to their meaning becoming blurred. In order to know how to impact and look after our wellbeing & mental health, it’s important to understand exactly what these terms mean. In a nutshell your mental health is about the functionality of your brain and all that impacts it. It includes both your physiological, emotional and social well-being. Many factors play a role in mental health, some of which your can’t control (genetics, family history, etc), but you do have control over a large portion of your mental health.
Looking after your mental health & well-being is important as this helps determine how we handle stress, make choices and even manage health conditions. Here’s 8 ways you can boost your mental health & well-being and have a big impact on your day-to-day life.
Move your body
Unsurprisingly exercise can have a big impact on your mental health, including; relieving stress, lifting your mood, helping you sleep better and managing symptoms of depression or anxiety conditions. Remember, all movement is good movement - it doesn’t need to mean you’re hitting the gym 5 times a week. Focus on movement you enjoy, as this way you’ll be consistent with it. That could be a low-impact Pilates class, a run outside, a long stretch, a weekend hike with friends - find what works for you.
Try meditation
Meditation can be a great tool for helping cultivate a sense of calm and clarity in our daily lives, enabling you to better cope with stress. Many studies show that mindfulness can have a positive impact on symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress. We have a number of amazing guided meditations on the app from ‘Confidence Boost Meditation’ to ‘Mindfulness of Thoughts’ and ‘Mantra Meditation for Sleep’.
Prioritize sleep & rest
Our bodies & brains need sleep to function optimally. A 2021 study found that people who frequently get less than 6 hours of sleep per night are 2.5 times more likely to experience mental distress. Here’s a few things you can do to improve your sleep quality: avoid caffeine after 3pm, try to wake up and go to sleep at the same time each day, make your bedroom a quiet and calm space and aim to keep the temperature in your bedroom comfortable.
Cut back on social media
Constantly consuming information about other people’s lives can promote feelings of low self-worth, anxiety and even depression. To spend less time scrolling, try these tips: keep your phone in a drawer or outside your bedroom whilst sleeping, make a list of alternative activities you can do when the desire to scroll kicks in and turn off notifications or delete social media apps from your phone.
Nourish your body
In order for our brains and bodies to function optimally they need nutrient dense foods; so focus on eating meals that contain lots of whole & single-ingredient foods and work on getting a balance of protein, wholegrains and healthy fats. Certain foods like alcohol, caffeine, refined carbohydrates and added sugars can exacerbate anxiety symptoms.
Strengthen your relationships
Human beings are social by nature, as such cultivating strong relationships can have a very positive impact on your mental health & well-being; from offering emotional support, adding meaning to your life and even just easing feelings of loneliness. To nurture friendships; keep in touch by checking in regularly, meet up for a morning walk or coffee, plan dinner date or even just call for a quick chat during your lunch break.
Get outside (in the sunshine when possible!)
The sun is a great source of vitamin D and many studies show it can improve mood and attitude. You don’t need a lot to make a difference, 5 minutes of fresh air and sunshine can do your mind and heart lots of good. Try taking a quick walk over your lunch break, standing outside for some fresh air, taking a work meeting outside or eating lunch or exercising outdoors when possible!
Practice gratitude
Try keeping a daily log of things you’re grateful for and also achievements. Aim for 3 things you’re grateful for and 1 thing you accomplished each day. As cliché as it might sound - practicing gratitude helps to keep us in the present moment, keep negative thoughts at bay and allows us to reflect on our experiences and achievements.